Saturday, July 16, 2011

Rhiguera - Vamos A La Playa

Leave it to my friend Daniel to pull out something like this on me, that would be just like him. One day in early summer i dropped by his place and we are talking about music, exchanging a couple songs, then he hits me with this like neon 80s boxing glove.

The brilliance. it's early 80s enough to still have these dying days of disco elements... and i'm not sure if you'd actually call it new wave or just legitimately clueless italian hackjob impersonations of what they were starting to see in america? But with that easy to swallow bassline, completely period-expected synth tones and repeating "vamos a la motherfucking playa" 6,000 times, all you find yourself wanting to do is continue singing this in unison, with everyone you know, in conga line fasion, while furiously scrambling for a trip to the beach.

this is what actually happened in our lives after that day, i repeated this song on loop for a few days until on one of the first hot summer days we actually vamos'd to that motherfucking playa. estamos en la playa.