Sunday, November 27, 2011

1998 Black Heart Procession show clips

Full disclosure: The Black Heart Procession is probably the single most influencial, favorite, most beautiful band I have known in my life. I have to be careful to not bore all my friends by talking about and promoting them too much.

well, new videos surfaced from a generous youtube user of a full set of theirs from early 1998! Since I have followed their entire career, I can say BHP have taken many shapes and forms. When I saw them last year, it was simply Pall and Tobias, playing stripped down, even more somber versions of some of their sombrest songs. when i saw them in 2003, they had a medium sized band accompanying half the songs. But I'm going to say, these videos are my favorite!

the band has always been just Pall and Tobias centrally, and the more big band elements often just detract from what they do best, which is deliver painfully honest sad songs for the sake of making something beautiful, and not wallowing. so early in their career in these videos, i feel like we get a much clearer glimpse into their influences and early ideas about direction-- the candle lit set, the matching spaghetti western outfits complete with sunglasses and cowboy hats, the faithful reproduction of their studio sound... Pall directly going for and hitting the high notes as recorded rather than uttering them an octave lower a decade of sadness and discontent on...

these are beautiful fucking moments and i remained puzzled at how these videos can remain with under a hundred views at the time of writing this. best BHP videos on youtube.

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