Friday, June 24, 2011

Blonde Redhead - Are On Some Next-Level Shit

I got their Penny Sparkle on vinyl when it was new, without previewing it first because of Blonde Redheads rock solid pedigree. Every so often there are groups like Blonde Redhead that manage to never put out a bad record, and from the beginning seem to have a cohesive idea of what they are about and what they are doing.

I wasn't disappointed. On the first superficial listens, I thought their sound was getting a little too electro shoegaze for me, with their notable increase in use of electronic beats and elements. But after I let it set in for many listens, I realized it was totally beautiful and worked really well, and they remained to be about what they've always been about for me... the beautiful, breathy, haunting vocals of Kazu Makino.

Here is the first track off that album performed flawlessly true to the recording. As if that left any doubt, her outfit and barely there swaying and rocking "dance moves" in this video really seal the deal of their band being on some next level shit.

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