Friday, June 24, 2011

George Harrison - Someplace Else

I've been on a big kick of trying to unearth and reincorporate music from my 80s childhood into my rotation, for months now! I just remembered the Harrison cassette that my mom had around the house and played a lot in like 1988, his Cloud 9 album.

honest to goodness, i had not heard these tracks since maybe 1992, until i downloaded the album the other month. I remembered the parts to every song like it was yesterday. it instantly brought back memories of hearing it, and i had to study the album for weeks after, to hear it for the first time with an adult ear.

I had this album in my headphones everywhere i biked commuting for several weeks, and on a 50 mile bike trip up the columbia river gorge. "Someplace else" emerged as my clear favorite, and i'm pretty sure there were times when i looped it 3 times on end. I'm still not sick of it, those chord changes are so beautiful and brilliant- that A major 7 to A, going into a C# to D... brilliant! This man has been responsible for some of the most memorable and beautiful melodies and chord changes i've ever known.

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