Friday, June 24, 2011

Tasseomancy - Magical

Tasseomancy are magical.

I first saw their takeaway show, and it may have been Sari and Romy's jaw dropping hotness that initially drew me in to watch their two takeaway clips, but it was their other-worldly mandolin, 1/2 sized nylon guitar, and two part disgustingly-cute female vocals that really impressed and intrigued me and made me want to hear more.

I got their album (formerly they used the name Ghost Bees) and after 1 listen, I thought to myself "I can probably only tolerate to listen to this once, it gets sooooo FEMMY! If i spin it much more times im going to have to take testosterone supplements."
But one song stood out as my favorite, "Vampires", so i kept giving it more chances to play through. before i knew it, their haunting harmonies had crept their way into my brain and engulfed me like the warm arms of a lover. Then, it was all i could listen to for a bit and even the parts that seemed too femmy just became cute and unique.

Their Ghost Bees album definitely DEFINITELY grows on you. i think it takes a few listens through just to understand what exactly you are hearing. it seems like the beautiful sisters from the toronto area turned their backs and middle fingers on whatever their pitchfork-friendly musical contemporaries have been making popular, and instead just look within and deep to the past to draw inspiration. many of their song themes are about their russian jewish grandmother who was a tasseomancer that emigrated to canada to escape persecution.

after many listens, i can't imagine much room for improvement. i dont care where the majority of underground/indie/folk music is headed, im far more interested in these girls' bizarre occultic medieval warbles.

I checked out their new Healthy Hands ep as well, and with their addition of rhythm and spooky synth elements, it sounds like a mix between this first album, jefferson airplane, and black heart procession. 5 stars.

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